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Pony Club

Dubai city stables run a unique pony club for children from the age of 3 years - 6 years old. The club is designed to give children a hands on learning experience blending education and entertainment. The children learn through "Edutainment".


The classes are 45 Minutes in duration and are both classroom and practical based. Our team of "Edutainers" keep the pace of the classes moving so young minds don’t get distracted.


Every class includes work sheets and coloring sheets. There are many arts and crafts projects throughout the program, including painting on the pony itself. Always a favorite amongst our young audience.


Pony club is a structured learning curve with progressive lessons and tasks. There are 6 lessons per level that are covered in an 8 week cycle.


Every Pony club session is 45 minutes long and you can opt for a pony ride before or after the class (additional charges apply for pony club)



Grooming Lesson

This course is designed to provide the student with the skills needed to properly care for horses in a training or boarding facility. Starting with a review of horse knowledge and the basics of proper horse handling, the student will learn to observe all the conditions which affect the horse, from health care to equipment choice and maintenance. Students will learn the use of different restraint and oral medications.

Ø Lesson 1 – Grooming

How to clean a horse using the correct brushes

How to approach and handle a horse

Ø Lesson 2 – Tack

How to tack up your horse

How to clean and take care of the tack correctly

Types of equipment for riding

Lesson 3 – Feeding

How and when to feed a horse

What can we feed our horses and what is bad for them

Ø Lesson 4 – Anatomy

Part of the horse

Colours and Markings

Ø Lesson 5 – General care

How to look after a horse

Cleaning out stables



Ø Lesson 6 – Understanding a horse

Understanding how a horse thinks


• Start any program at anytime• Work at your own pace – you will not be “locked out” if you do not complete the module within a specific time• Work with your instructor• You can take just one module

For more information of this services please fill free contact us or send email

Al Dhabi Group

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